of Full Day School
needing school, no matter who. Now, Indonesians must be in school during nine
years, from junior until senior high school. So, childrens spending a lot of
their time in school. Every school has different time to study. There’s school
that the student study just until afternoon.
Some school is full day school. That means, the student will be in
school all day long. But, is it full day school has more positive or negative
aspeck for student?
aspeck from full day school is the student have more time to study in school.
Because children’s time in home is like nothing. They spend their time for play
with their gadget. Is that right? So, sudent’s time in home is not effective
for study because there’s so many stuff that can distrubed them when they want
to study. And then, full day school can make student can know more about the
subject than the others and they’ll come close with their school mate.
aspect from full day school is the student who always spending their time in
school get bad relationship with their family. Because when they go home, they
feel like so tired so they’ll straight to the bed after dinner. And then, they
just have little time to know or build a good relationship with their friends
outside the school.
so many positive and negative aspect from full day school, but if the student
can manage their time, maybe they have many time to do something else outside
the school, is it playing football, hangout or just spending their time with
By: Syafitri Retnowati (XB)
Contoh artikel dalam bahasa inggris, tentang full day school, saya lupa ini jenis teks apa, tapi teks ini terdiri atas:
1. Pembuka
2. Sisi/aspek positif
3. Sisi/aspek negatif
4. Simpulan/penutup
Just FYI, ini tugas untuk penilaian ekskul english club. Jadi suruh bikin arikel gitu yang temanya sudah ditentukan. Saya mengerjakan ini hanya sehari doang karena emang udah deadline.
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